Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Term Limits for Congress

In the early years of this Republic, congresspersons limited themselves to one or two terms. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution in this traditional context. Increasingly through the last century, congresspersons have sought to retain their power and perquisites of office. Today, many enjoy considerable support by special interests and almost permanent reelection.
State governments recognize the dangers of unlimited congressional terms. A key risk is that special interests will gain excessive influence over long-term office-holders. Until 1995, twenty-two States set term limits for their congressional representatives. The great majority limited representatives to three terms and senators to two terms.
Undoubtedly, other states would later have done likewise. However, in 1995, the Supreme Court's five-to-four decision (U.S. Term Limits v Thornton) determined that states do not have the authority to limit the terms of their Congresspersons—only the U.S. Constitution has this authority.
Congress recognizes the dangers of continuous reelection. In 1947, Congress proposed and the States ratified Amendment 22 limiting the President to two four-year terms. However, ignoring the wishes of the States and the People, Congress is unwilling to propose a Constitutional Amendment setting congressional term limits.
The People therefore propose a Constitutional Direct Initiative for limits on congressional terms. The States' legislative limits are retained. Subsequent ratification by three-fourths of the States will make it part of the Constitution.
1. No person shall be elected or appointed to the U.S. Congress if the election or appointment could permit that person to serve for more than three terms in the House and more than two terms in the Senate.
2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the People’s nationwide Initiative.


Joe Godfrey said...

I agree 100% on term limits. I feel the best option to get this done is through an Article V constitution convention in which the states can bypass Congress and propose amendments. It's never been done but the constitution plainly grants us the right.

Join me at http://blog.proamericastore.com to build the momentum to make this happen.

Unknown said...

I believe there should also be equality of laws and fiscal responsibility included in the Amendment. See www.limitsoncongressnow.org for my reasoning. Keep up the good fight Patriots!